Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Have Vogues Will Travel

Michelle Jonas

 Michelle Jonas buys a half a dozen Vogue magazines from different countries.  A designer with a past that comfortably fits into her present: by 16 she had lived in seven different countries, thought each of them home, worked in New York for Harper's Bazaar, then Vogue Magazine where Ralph Lauren met her and asked her to join his company because he thought she was "the epitome of the Ralph Girl."  After an acting career in Hollywood, she is now the owner and designer of a travelwear company with styles "classically original, playfully confident, and comfortably sexy."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Christian Audigier Drops In

Christian Audigier
With bodyguard, cameraman, and assistant, Christian Audigier arrives.  The celebrity designer-entrepreneur whose tattoo driven Ed Hardy brand so successfully projected the showmanship and aesthetic of the P. T. Barnum era, is about to launch something new.  In fourteen minutes he gathers thirty choice books but pauses long enough to observe a space missing on our gallery wall of famous designers. "I'll send you a photograph to put me up there," he says.
